Anyone Can Climb Face,...but it takes flexibility, technique and subtlety to climb crack.
Table of ContentsIntroductionI have been climbing cracks for about a year now, making the 400km round trip out to Frog about once a week.
During the discussions on what types of materials would be needed, the plank thickness and flex were a bit of a concern. Imagine starting off in a finger crack, then as the wood flexed, you could go to hand then fist then pop out. This wouldn't be too much fun. I searched the net for any plans for cracks, but found only heaps of normal climbing walls. Seems like I stumbled onto a niche market. Typing "hand crack" into the search engine didn't come out as bad as I thought it might. Start out looking for climbing walls and end up in some super hard-core porn site. Although looking at the key words for this site, I think I might be getting a few disappointed porn fiends checking it out. "What the hell is this? Where are all the naked chicks?" |